pull over to the side of the road 意味

  • 道路のわきに寄る


        pull over to the side of a road:    道路{どうろ}の脇に寄る
        pull over and stopped on the side of the road:    車を路肩{ろかた}[道路{どうろ}の片側{かたがわ}]に寄せて停める
        pull to the side of the road:    道の脇へ車を寄せる、車を路肩{ろかた}に止める
        pull over to the side:    車を道の脇に寄せる
        at the side of the road:    道の傍ら{かたわら}に、道路の脇に、道端{みちばた}に
        by the side of a road:    道端{みちばた}に
        side of a road:    道の端、道路脇
        side road:    side road 間道 かんどう 脇道 わきみち
        pull over:    {句動-1} : (馬の手綱{たづな}をグイッと引っ張って)馬を止める -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (車を)片側{かたがわ}[路肩{ろかた}]に寄せる、停止{ていし}させる Pull over, I think I'm going to be
        over the road:    道を横切って、刑務所へ、刑に服して -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
        over-the-road:    {形} : 長距離輸送の
        pull someone to one side:    (人)を隅の方に連れて行く[引っ張っていく]
        pull to one side:    片効きする
        deserted side road:    人けのない脇道{わきみち}


  1. "pull over to the curb" 意味
  2. "pull over to the kerb" 意味
  3. "pull over to the shoulder to" 意味
  4. "pull over to the side" 意味
  5. "pull over to the side of a road" 意味
  6. "pull petals off a flower" 意味
  7. "pull pints for one's customers" 意味
  8. "pull point" 意味
  9. "pull pranks on" 意味
  10. "pull over to the side" 意味
  11. "pull over to the side of a road" 意味
  12. "pull petals off a flower" 意味
  13. "pull pints for one's customers" 意味

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